L.Babies are gifts from God, but sometimes you have to go through an adventure to get your gift. We are here to make that adventure memorable for you.

The first thing that comes to mind when talking about medical tourism in Iran is nose surgery. But with the impressive progress Iran has made in infertility treatment during the past years, it has become a great destination for couples suffering from fertility problems from all around the world. With more than 70 infertility clinics and centers offering advanced infertility treatments, Iran reigns supreme in the region. We at SinaTeb are prepared to help you receive the most effective fertility treatment in Iran at the most reasonable prices.


Wondering what this packages actually brings to you?

This exclusively-produced documentary shows a typical medical tour we arrange for our medical tourists. Watch the video to get an understanding of the services we provide to our medical tourists in package. This documentary film features a medical tourist named Cecilia who made a trip from Norway to Iran through us for a rhinoplasty as well as a cosmetic dental procedure. The whole process is filmed from the time she arrived at the airport until she departed Iran.

Why Iran?

High success rate and low cost of fertility treatment in Iran are the two main reasons Iran is currently one of the best countries patients can choose for their infertility problems. Iran is also a low-cost travel destination and a safe country to travel, not to mention the friendly and hospitable Iranian people who welcome you with open arms.

Why AriaMedTour?

AriaMedTour saves you all the inconveniences of making the necessary arrangements, including, but not limited to, getting a visa, booking a doctor’s appointment, booking a hotel, shuttling between hotel and clinic, etc. Moreover, we work with the best fertility clinics and specialists in Iran.

How much is fertility treatment in Iran?

The cost of fertility treatment in Iran is very reasonable compared to most other countries. For example, a cycle of IVF in Iran costs from $3000, which is one-fourth of the average price of an IVF cycle in Canada. We will quote you the updated prices of different fertility treatments in Iran upon request.

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Iran is the top country in the field of fertility treatment in the Middle East and one of the most developed in the world. Thanks to the country’s religious leaders’ approval of the assisted reproductive technologies and the government’s social and population policies during the last decades, Iran has made giant progress in fertility treatments.

In the past, Iranian couples suffering from infertility problems had to travel abroad to receive treatment, but today Iran has become a hot destination for infertile men and women from other countries. The reasonable costs of fertility procedures in Iran compared with the exorbitant prices in some other countries, as well as the high quality of such services in the country are the key reasons for the popularity of fertility treatments in Iran.

Iran currently enjoys more than 70 specialized fertility centers that offer various services to couples who cannot have a child on their own — including infertility diagnosis, expert genetic consultation, and different treatments such as IVF, for instance. With its remarkable advance in IVF since the first baby was born in the country in 1988 through this technology, Iran has been drawing couples from all around the Middle East, and even countries as far as Australia and Indonesia.


Assisted technologies for fertility in men and women have been embraced by Shiite religious authorities in Iran more openly than other Sunni countries where some forms of third-party fertility treatments such as sperm donation and egg donation are still frowned upon.

While Sunni religious leaders in other Muslim countries have only approved of procedures that don’t involve a third party – egg, sperm, and embryo donation – Iran’s leader and Shiite marja (religious authority), Ali Khamenei, gave a fatwa legitimizing such procedures under certain conditions. That’s why many couples from Sunni countries are increasingly heading to Iran to undergo fertility procedures.

Iran’s fertility clinics are currently armed with the latest technologies and experienced infertility specialists serving infertile couples from different countries. According to an article titled “The Islamic Republic of Baby-Making” published by the Foreign Policy magazine, an Oxford University professor and the founder of the Fertility and Reproduction Studies Group (FRSG), Soraya Tremayne believes that “Iran is surging ahead using [these technologies] in all their forms, going places where the Sunni countries in the region cannot follow.”

Dr. Ahmad Vosouq, an official at Iran’s Royan Institute – a prestigious research and educational institute dedicated to stem cell research, infertility treatment, and biomedical, translational and clinical researches – says: “currently, remarkable work is being done in the field of infertility in Royan [Institute] such that the lowest fertility chance of couples is used for their fertilization.” He stated that the advanced techniques of egg maturation in females and testicular sperm extraction in men are being used to treat infertility in women and men, respectively.

A contributing factor to the substantial progress in infertility treatment in Iran is the high rate of infertility among Iranian couples. According to a nationwide survey, 20.2 percent of Iranian couples suffer from infertility, which means that 1 out of 5 couples are unable to have a baby on their own. Given that the country has in the past years reversed its population control policy, the government is now encouraging people to have more children, giving infertile couples incentives to have children, including a free cycle of IVF, in accordance with this policy.


Iran offers the most inexpensive fertility treatments in the Middle East. A cycle of IVF, for example, costs 3500 USD which is much lower than in many countries. Given that many fertility treatments require that couples stay in the country for a few weeks, the cost of lodging and other expenses incurred during their stay become very important.

Since Iran is a cheap country for travelers, with very reasonable accommodation costs, fertility treatment candidates will not have to spend a lot of money on their treatment in Iran. To get a free price quote for fertility treatments in Iran, feel free to contact us.


More than 70 health ministry-accredited fertility clinics and centers are operating in Iran. Iranian fertility centers are either affiliated to hospitals or other research institutions. Fertility clinics in Tehran, Mashhad, Yazd, Isfahan, Shiraz, Tabriz, and other cities of Iran are prepared to provide services to couples from all around the world and create the pleasant experience of having a baby for them.

Fertility treatments offered at Iranian fertility centers include IVF, IVM, IMSI, ICSI, IUI, microscopic testicular sperm extraction (TESE), ovulation induction, PGD, PGS, egg donation, sperm donation, embryo donation, surrogacy, PCOS treatment, etc.

We at AriaMedTour, as the leading medical tourism facilitator in Iran, help you arrange an infertility treatment at one of the best fertility clinics in Iran. To learn more about each clinic’s services, fees, and doctors, contact us via WhatsApp, email (provided at the footer) or the online form (at the top of the page or below).